Hallozeve youtube launch
Interview / video submissions open 03/08/2024
Interview / video submissions close 19/10/2024
Email hallozeen@gmail.com to submit audio/visual media or to be interviewed about your zinemaking.
Hi, this is Alex. Since 2020, Ive Sorocuk and I have been making video launches to catch up with zinemakers to see what they’ve been up to. The launch night is a nice evening to hang out in the chat with other zinemakers while we finish our stapling.Interview / video submissions close 19/10/2024
Email hallozeen@gmail.com to submit audio/visual media or to be interviewed about your zinemaking.
You can see the launches of previous years here: https://www.youtube.com/@hallozeen/videos
What’s good video content?
- - Music / Performance: the last hour of the 2021 launch was great for this
- - Animation / bumpers / cutscenes
- - A tour of your zinemaking area / studio / sketchbook / zine collection / online zine store
- - A zinemaking skill you’d like to demonstrate
- - Trailers / commercials for upcoming hallozeens
- - Readings of your existing hallozeens, or of your favourite hallozeens, like how they read books on Playschool
- - If you don’t want to be the reader, submit a pdf of your own hallozeen and we could find someone to do a dramatic reading of it
- - Adapt a hallozeen into a found footage horror movie
- - Cryptozinology: the secret life of zinemakers but they’re cryptids / only human-passing at zine fairs
- - Something else related to halloween/zines/zinemakers you are keen to record and send in
Video interviews:
*I arrange a time with you for a zoom call*I can email you the questions ahead of time
*I screen-record the video of us talking
*You get to choose how you’d like to appear / what camera angle you’re comfortable with, can point the camera at your hands or a puppet or a filter
*Ive Sorocuk edits these down to make you and me look like we know what we’re talking about
Text interviews:
*I send you a list of questions*You send back your answers to the questions you’d like to answer, including relevant images
*Ive Sorocuk edits these into a text-to-speech animation with the questions spoken by the beloved Hallozeen Ghost (pictured)
*You can send in 2 images of a character (mouth open / mouth closed) to represent your narrator