This year’s theme is Decayed/Decadence to celebrate 10 years of Hallozeen

Digital poster full (4.9MB)

Digital poster square (1MB)
Posters above for online use only, contact us for print poster usage
01/08/2024 Applications open for the Hallozeen Postal Swap
03/08/2024 Hallozeve video/interview submissions open
04/08/2024 Applications open for tables at the Hallozeen Fair
08/08/2024 Alex and PetaTron on Zine YarraValleyFM with Cora 99.1FM midday until 1pm
15/08/2024 Alex and Maja Aaby Pedersen on Zine YarraValleyFM with Cora 99.1FM midday until 1pm
17/08/2024 Hallozeen Roadshow comes to Geelong
05/09/2024 Hallozeen Roadshow comes to Healesville 4-5pm (book online at and Alex will be on Zine YarraValleyFM with Cora 99.1FM midday until 1pm
11/09/2024Skeleton collab zine submissions open (alex is still making the skeleton atm)
21/09/2024 Hallozeen Roadshow comes to Ballarat
27/09/2024 Applications close for the Fair and the Swap
27/09/2024 Postal submissions to the swap must be in the mail
10/10/2024 RISO club email designs deadline
11/10/2024Swap hallozeens must be at Sticky
19/10/2024 Hallozeve video/interview submissions close
20/10/2024 RISO club pick up prints
23/10/2024Skeleton collab zine submissions close (alex is still making the skeleton atm)
26/10/2024 Hallozeve Video Launch - Live Event 7pm
27/10/2024 Hallozeen Zine Fair 12-5pm Kensington Town Hall
08/11/2024 Swap packs available for collection from Sticky until 5pm (after which they will be mailed to their recipients)
03/08/2024 Hallozeve video/interview submissions open
04/08/2024 Applications open for tables at the Hallozeen Fair
08/08/2024 Alex and PetaTron on Zine YarraValleyFM with Cora 99.1FM midday until 1pm
15/08/2024 Alex and Maja Aaby Pedersen on Zine YarraValleyFM with Cora 99.1FM midday until 1pm
17/08/2024 Hallozeen Roadshow comes to Geelong
05/09/2024 Hallozeen Roadshow comes to Healesville 4-5pm (book online at and Alex will be on Zine YarraValleyFM with Cora 99.1FM midday until 1pm
21/09/2024 Hallozeen Roadshow comes to Ballarat
27/09/2024 Applications close for the Fair and the Swap
27/09/2024 Postal submissions to the swap must be in the mail
10/10/2024 RISO club email designs deadline
11/10/2024Swap hallozeens must be at Sticky
19/10/2024 Hallozeve video/interview submissions close
20/10/2024 RISO club pick up prints
26/10/2024 Hallozeve Video Launch - Live Event 7pm
27/10/2024 Hallozeen Zine Fair 12-5pm Kensington Town Hall
08/11/2024 Swap packs available for collection from Sticky until 5pm (after which they will be mailed to their recipients)

Relive last year’s Hallozeve video launch and consider submitting some audio/visual hallozeen content this year.
Hallozeen is supported by City of Melbourne and made possible by the volunteers of Sticky Institute and Alex e Clark